I read a blog post recently which tried to lay out principles for group rationality. I wanted to see how they could come about emergent as a set of interactions between healthily developed egos. To debate, you need to have high self esteem; The idea is to get others to believe in what you want. The ideal platonic essence of a debate is to My break with platonism - deleuze talks about breaking against it in the sense of focusing on a essential perfection in things beyond the form that is revealed to us. My enjoyment of my music or my movement of my body is in the sense the atium shadow (from Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series) of the platonic essence of perfection I have already cognized. This is the 'natural intelligence' Krishnamurti talks about. I realised that there's no objective grounding for a concept of "self esteem", because it is never about focusing and doting on yourself. It is about nurturing it in so far as it can become something you let go...