Operationalizing Truth

A new season of your life requires new axioms, new beliefs and new perspectives.

Axiom: In any discipline, truth is the only effective thing. Define the truth as the shortest path to the desired action, making the axiom tautological. 

This shortest path is not necessarily in the space of time or effort. The time or labour it takes for a truth to become imbibed is a projection of that shortest path along some lower space.

The truth can be intuited through reason. By reason the essence of knowledge is referred to; the pure sharp faculty of the mind.

Reason can only grasp for truths that are already in one’s field of awareness. Once a truth is in one’s awareness, there is no choice but to excercise our reason and grasp for it. Its shape only becomes clarified in the labour of its coming into being.

Human beings are creative by nature. All our modalities of existence in their most exalted forms are creative endeavours. Creativity is subtelty; understanding and expressing difference. Understanding subtle difference is what is involved in developing a skillset.

Developing a skill can be done mechanically till a point, but no further. Any continued mechanical repetition after that point leaves us stuck and unable to progress. It is destructive and rigid.

Reason and analytic thought is merely one of the modalities of existence, even though present society is biased towards it.

What is an unpopular claim that you believe to be true? It is claims like these that alleviate human suffering and make existence bearable.

That is the mechanism of how our collective psyche functions. The creatives are those at the boundaries of the village, exploring the different lines of flight, the recesses of our mind. Sometimes dying in the process, sometimes getting a pearl back from the ocean they plunged into.

A business is a story waiting for an investor to believe in. The sales person’s job is ethical persuasion; If he is convinced of the absolute effectiveness of his product in eliminating suffering, all that is left is to convey it to the other. If he is not, then there is nothing but a mechanical repetition of a script.

Research is a claim waiting for someone to believe in. As one chances upon some truth, and gets enthralled by it, he has no choice but to experiment with it. In the collision with reality, the truth is finally able to assert itself. Once one is convinced of what he is perceiving, there is no failure, only experiments. In life as well as in science.

In this way, we are all also connected. Those who fear are living inside the walls, nourished by the truths we have already seen.

Observing some new truth is what creates the story; the hero, the struggle. Yet it is only these stories which nourish us. We are dynamic beings, and in stagnation and insipidity we taste the cold breath of death.



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