cutting off escapes
The mind loves to escape.
At the base level we are escaping the fact that our ego is limited.
Life is about creating our own games and playing them perfectly to conquer our mind.
To create a game, one needs to establish a goal, a desire that deeply burns within him.
If this desire is not genuine, there is no start to this game.
There is no hero's journey without the establishment of a villain.
In reaching for a goal we get buffeted.
Romanticizing that situation, pitying it, resenting others these are all the common responses to this.
We are fundamentally lonely, playing a single player game.
Excellence in any pursuit is really conquering the mind.
If one does not move to change a situation it is because he does not feel threatened enough by it.
Comfort breeds complacency.
The only thing I am concerned with is human perfection.
Even then I do not care about others, in so far as we do not help each other.
That is truth.
The truth is that spending time in a social group with your so called "friends" will eat into your potential and leave you a shell of the person you could be.
You will grow dependant on them as soon as you allow yourself to, until you have a rude awakening.
Suffering narrows your field of focus, it allows you to perfect your mind.
Life is a journey that never ends.
The only thing that may be done is to hide yourself from truth.
What nourishes a human's existence is truth.
The more they detach themselves from it, the more they become empty shells.
The voyage is never going to end, and every distraction is a siren.
Until you're free, you have a bulwark against society's conditioning, are you really individuated?
Until you can live in society and not be of society?
Love, spirituality, morality, money. Everything is a distraction from the perfection of human consciousness.
In its true form, it is hard for us to comprehend. But is there any more noble a pursuit?
Or perhaps there is no nobility. Throw it all away.
It is my selfish desire. And yet it has meaning to me, a regal authority for the simple reason that it is genuine.
Whenever I am afraid of solving a problem, it is because the problem can reveal to me the limitations of my own perception.
When I tell myself I have not the energy to approach this with perfection it is again an excuse, for the brain can put you to sleep again and again as you come closer to truth.
How is one to keep pursuing, even when the physical body itself resists perfection?
There are many dimensions left to uncover.
Perfection in the breath, perfection in movement.
It is only when that energy is conserved that it can be exploded.
How am I to learn?
And who is this question put to?
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