Functional Integration of the Mind #2
There are unfathomably deep truths scattered across our collective psyche.
It is these truths that nourish our existence. The signal that breaks through the noise of unconsciousness and suffering.
The brain needs an objective function, so as to not always be struggling. These truths are the objective functions that we converge to.
Even if you say there is no objective driving you, that is itself an objective function.
The first truth is that life really is meaningless. Just a play of material reality. Or perhaps units of consciousness.
Each truth has a domain of applicability, used outside which it becomes untrue. Searching for truths creates one's journey.
This whole exposition is an attempt to discover even deeper truths.
It is possible to go infinitely deep into anything, to be one with the flow of the universe. When you are that master, then it doesn't matter what you do, you create art.
The hero's journey mirrors our evolution. We start in some state. There is a call to action. There is struggle. And then we return to the same state, having been changed irreversibly in some sense. That is how the collection of experiences happens. But apart from the physical accumulation, through the memory of the body, is it necessary for experiences to be accumulated on our mind too?
All my bodies, subtle, causal etc. can be changed. Practically speaking, I can change the very structure of my thought and my body composition. What is it that remains unchanging? That is the only thing around which life can be structured. But it is not something one can grab on to. The buddhists have grasped it a little when they say change is the only constant.
I am looking for prescriptive markers that can help me remember how I am to flow along with that. For a way to structure how it works, in terms of metaphor, language representation. But there is none. It will always be new, always dynamic. And the only way I have to flow with it is to have faith in it. To jump into that river with my whole being.
That is how you learn a new language. It will definetely transform you. There is no 'I' that can come along with you to the other end of the shore. But isn't it the journey that matters?
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