Song of the Free
Terrence Tao said in one of his interviews that sometimes some problems are just not solvable within one lifetime. Because of being born at the wrong time, your attempt to look at the problem is like trying to climb the sheer face of a mountain with your bare hands. I suppose with the truth it is always like that. The sheer determination to bring something into being which does not currently exist. That is what brings forth greatness. There is great sensitivity and hardness to that. Austerities are in some sense a bulwark for the inner sensitivity to bloom. Two authors I immensely respect are Krishnamurti and Kapil Gupta. They have tasted and embroiled themselves in truth for a good proportion of their lives. In some sense they are like Rumi, whose writing I have also been absorbing the past few days. However, there is a lightness and carefreeness in Rumi. It is a ecstatic sensitivity that in its highest movement reaches up to the gods. An...