
 At the end of the day, you are a being born of light. 

How you live, how you spend each day is a reflection of this. 

There is a subtle magic that comes as we become aware of things. 

With our bodies, we start to notice constrictions and spontaneously moving in efficient ways such that our body can flow. 

With our minds, the magic is how one becomes fluent in a language suddenly. 

Language itself is structure in patterns of thought that help us solve problems a la Automata Theory.

Each archetype in your collective psyche is an incomprehensibly large store of information, for recurring structures. 

In moving your mind, you are forcing it when you constrict your attention and make it necessarily, mechanically become aware of certain loops.

Yet when you leave it be, and notice the beauty of it, then a discipline arises from within yourself. 

Like when you notice the subtle weight of your fingers while playing the tabla, it suddenly becomes an endlessly curious problem to uncover: The relation between the purity of the sound and the effortlessness with which your fingers glide over the sheet. 

In society, when a group of people become aware of similar problems, or similar facets of beauty there is a flowering of culture. 

Lightness in human relationship is gratitude, lightness, ahimsa in the sense patanjali used the word: A sense of not wanting any harm to the other. 

The fleeting moments of camaradrie, love are what create this. 

And as rilke says, the weight perhaps for these moments of beauty is borne by the nights which deepen your solitude.

A spark of consciousness is all that is required. 

To keep the mind ignited, and this negentropy extractor going.


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