Advertisment and Propaganda thrives on humans insistence that there is something that needs to be "fixed" about themselves.
The conditioning creates the tendency to remain trapped in problems, and most solutions offered are but the transformation of the problem from one form into another.
Dynamic, alive solutions in business, sport, creativity are localized, personal and long-term - to bring a qualitative change in a person's state of mind such that they look at the problem from a qualitatively different lens, dissolving it altogether.
But the mind instantly protests when faced with the fact that there is nothing "to fix" and nothing it can fix about itself. It is the reflexive reaction of a parent when faced with the realisation that their kids are not theirs to shape, but rather have their own journey.
That reaction of a loss of control, and the turmoil which follows is not an expression of the truth; Rather it merely enunciates the insecurities and anxieties that were already present and were revealed by the truth.
When the light of truth dawns, it also reveals to you the barrenness of the graveyard you had called a home till now.
If there is nothing to fix, yet the current method of operation is still unbearable for you, what is to be done?
As long as you keep doing things with a need to fix or improve something about yourself, you are always tracking a metric which is a fleeting representation of that which you think you desire.
The metric is never the thing - even having acheived a nobel prize doesn't mean that your mind is always going to be in that state.
At the end of the day, in our most heightened moments of creative genius what we are is empty. In pure emptiness, the human becomes available to all the faculties of the universe.
True mastery of any field is about this, letting yourself be fully empty, letting the craft act on you and fill you with whatever is necessary and to be able to do this again even when the world tells you that you have become full.
Guided by the basic principles, which are really very few in any field - the human refines his own style.
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