
Showing posts from September, 2022

Problem Solving and Ambition

 Hello again and to a 4 AM rant. I should probably wait and formulate my opinions on this topic in detail but thinking about this has left me with this sense of urgency, telling me that if I do not write about this now, I probably will forget about this idea. So without further ado My conception of problem solving To give an analogy, my conception of problem solving is like jumping over a hole in the ground. The harder the problem, the longer the jump. Between this end and that end of the problem, there is always that jump one has to take without thinking, for thinking itself enters new territory. As we solve harder and harder problems, the length of this hole keeps growing. For optimal growth we must confront problems which we do not know whether we can solve. If you truly do not know whether you can solve a problem or not, you do not waste time thinking about what if you can't and what if you do; you can devote yourself and your whole attention sincerely to a problem. The Process...


Here's a post I'd written previously and never published because I'd left it partially incomplete. "Change is the only constant" I'm sure you've heard of this well known platitude at least once in your life. But if you actually think about it, isn't it a bit contradictory? To say that change is constant implies some sort of constancy albeit at a meta level. As human beings we always look for things like patterns, causality and try to predict what may happen. Even though the sentiment of this statement is correct, it is this human need for everything to fall in line, perhaps only in an analysis at a higher level of abstraction which it betrays. A better image which expresses this statement would be that the universe is like a child which is only beginning to feel out its surroundings. It creates sand castles or expresses joy in the same moment as it brutally steps on and destroys some plants or bugs, yet we would never be able to resent it for its destr...

A Purpose (II)

I extended a poem I'd written earlier corresponding to my deepening understanding of Nietzsche.  Standing on top of the mountain Contemplated the wanderer. What purpose had his pursuits Of only climbing higher? Tired and exhausted He finally wanted to sit down But he wanted to sit down Only when he knew others wouldn't frown He looked down for a second Into the deep dark depths A chasm of death and destruction Which cleaved the inside of his soul He shivered and backed away terrified And decided to continue his journey Higher, even higher Terrified of what he saw beneath. He didn't have it in him To confront the abyss It wasn't climbing which had tired him. Standing ever higher  Contemplated the wanderer  What purpose had his pursuit Of traveling higher and higher The toils of the world  Lay heavy at his feet As he looked down At a foggy jagged landscape He saw a chasm of stagnation Skeletons littered, the bitter and so was the snow. The sorrow of the world called ou...