A Purpose (II)
I extended a poem I'd written earlier corresponding to my deepening understanding of Nietzsche.
Standing on top of the mountain
Contemplated the wanderer.
What purpose had his pursuits
Of only climbing higher?
Tired and exhausted
He finally wanted to sit down
But he wanted to sit down
Only when he knew others wouldn't frown
He looked down for a second
Into the deep dark depths
A chasm of death and destruction
Which cleaved the inside of his soul
He shivered and backed away terrified
And decided to continue his journey
Higher, even higher
Terrified of what he saw beneath.
He didn't have it in him
To confront the abyss
It wasn't climbing which had tired him.
Standing ever higher
Contemplated the wanderer
What purpose had his pursuit
Of traveling higher and higher
The toils of the world
Lay heavy at his feet
As he looked down
At a foggy jagged landscape
He saw a chasm of stagnation
Skeletons littered, the bitter and so was the snow.
The sorrow of the world called out to him
Like a sirens song
To stake his flag on the summit he had climbed
To lay claim to his magnum opus
He felt a moment of hesitation
But as he looked forward
To the infinite distance toward,
His only companion,
He laughed his superhuman laugh.
The shackles at his feet poked into the brilliance of his being
The irony of the situation was not lost upon him.
But onward he looked in transcendent joy
The theater of the world
With it's corrupting deluge of weakness
Could never hold his eternal dance
The glory of the infinite
Flowed through him in a bacchic trance.
He laughed at the undead
And also at along with the giants
On whose shoulders he stood on
He was branded a heretic
But he continued his journey unfazed.
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