gordian knot

Suffering is a gordian knot. 

The one who is suffering is caught, in a spiderweb of silky steel. Each proverbial struggle only tightens the noose around their neck. 

The light of reason can slash through it in an instant, but it doesn't even enter the realm of possibility for the one who suffers. 

Their choice is limited, by the truth they know. 

A master is someone who can show you that light in a given situation; A cold hard slap, or a warm loving embrace. The path to transformation scarcely matters to the one who desperately needs it. 

Morality is a narrow crutch loaned from blind people to other blind people. In the understanding of the path, there is an intrinsic morality. 

Commandments, prescriptions or any linguistic marker for that matter can never capture the essence of "goodness" that we desperately want to point towards. 

It's the sand beside the sea. Once there has been a taste of the true essence, the world's all-you-can eat buffet of words and frameworks is salty and unpalatable. 

Yet humans still have a penchant for struggling through these situations. Until it becomes absolutely unbearable we will continue to put up with this; Finding new situations to get stuck in. 

New people to make our confidants, as we demand validation for how we move through the world.

New mock outrage to express at the gossip we hear. 

The "Truth" is we are glorious beings with near infinite potential. 

There is no glory in living below one's means. 

To try and repress a genuine need is like trying to throw a stone in a pond to stop a ripple. 


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