Hegel Everyday #5

 Sense Certainty

92. (3/6/24)If we examine sense certainty and think of its essence then it’s not actually immediate, pure being. To think sense certainty, we must think an example of sense certainty and not its essence itself. And to refer to sense certainty we must implicitly split the experience into two ‘thises’. a ‘this’ which is the ‘I’ which experiences and a ‘this’ which is the object of experience. e.g someone describing an experienc of sense certainty may say it’s like “When you’re in the flow state”. 

93. (3/6/24) This mediation described in the previous paragraph is not just a heuristic we need to use to refer to sense certainty, but rather embedded in its essence itself. There is an object which exists independent of our knowing of it and keeps producing sensory information. The relation between the ‘I’ and the object is knowing. This is contingent. It doesn’t NEED to happen.

Progress: 16/808


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