Hegel Everyday #2
Preface continued
8. Modernity has a romanticized conception of the mystics and occult of medieval times e.g. Augustine. They talk of the saints and gnostics of previous times as having some otherworldly knowledge, having to be turned to the practical and empirical from their gaze set on heaven.
After Kant’s project, a divide has been created between that which is empirical, and knowable in everyday life( from phenomena) as opposed to the noumenal. Because of this, the secularized, modernized spirit is so thirsty for any sense of “spirituality” that it will take without critically grasping anything that reveals itself as spiritual knowledge.
9. Edification can be thought of as ‘upbuilding’. If philosophizing more does not create a system that accounts for more generality, there is no cognitive discomfort or effort extended there your thought isn’t a creative activity in a Deleuzian sense.
People who are okay with mere edification want beliefs to be intentionally a bit nebulous so that they can ‘dream up whatever’ = self regulate in the sense of people with CPTSD doing with limerence or over ambition. If you do not seek determinateness, practical applicability and a view of the whole for your system of ideas, its complacency or low expectations on the part of the receiver and stinginess on the part of the giver of knowledge.
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