An Open Letter to Somebody
You were just a kid. Society told you you were smart. You were good at the mathy stuff. The grownups liked it when they told you two numbers and you could add them really fast. They subtly encouraged you, to study more. Feed the machine. Or maybe you were not smart. You realized that the world goes around smart kids. They compared you, with your siblings, your classmates your relatives. They gave you examples of striking personalities, feeding the tendrils of ambition in your tender mind. I want to be like X when I grow up. I will grow up and become successful. They never defined successful for you. You were implicitly promised that you would be loved and everyone would be nice to you when you finally became "someone". Maybe like many of us, you fell into their trap. You worked on being good at something you didn't enjoy so that you could be better off than others, and finally they could give you some love. Respect comes with money, status and power they told you. If y...