
Showing posts from July, 2021

Catch it where it falls

  Catch it Where it falls A single raindrop Fell from the sky And enriched the ground, Hitherto dry, As the flower buds opened To salute its arrival The animals bellowed, For another year of survival.   I observed inwards, Towards myself, And a drop fell on me, An ink blot on the surface of consciousness, And then I had an epiphany, For each moment is a symphony, Of a million hues and experiences, An unfathomable amount of details In perfect harmony.   The graceful and exquisite pattern Turned suddenly into a torrential downpour, Animals turned from a slow ecstatic appreciation, To a violently passionate encore, The leaves which previously looked drooped and dew laden, Were rejuvenated in a deluge, Of course, some flowed away in the storm, But others were reinvigorated and transformed, And the peacock’s dance reached its zenith.   I again looked inside myself, And got scared from what I saw, A beast in the abyss threatenin

5200 weeks

  5200 Weeks 5200 weeks, Is what the lucky ones possess, To live and love and seek, To learn the truth or to achieve success,   As infants we begin this cyclic affair, For 700 weeks we are blissfully unaware, Under our parents care, With sincere admiration and prayer, A naïve innocence and an affirmative flair, But when the world is laid bare, Our beliefs we forswear, And to defy we dare.   As youth we dive deeper in this ocean, Our days are full of commotion, Our families are at remotion, Our nights are full of emotion, But over the next 400 weeks, we must challenge every notion, Of society, identity and devotion, But devoted we must be, and also in constant motion, For success there is no instant potion, And failure leads to societal demotion.   With the coming of middle age, We become camels, We struggle with responsibilities and obligations, For 2000 weeks we struggle with work, And somewhere we realise, “This isn’t going